Exciting news everyone! After talking about it for so long, the RecipeTin Eats cookbook “Dinner” is finally available for pre-order in Australia, NZ, America & CANADA!!! Plus, revealing a big SURPRISE…..

Pre-order now available!
Just click the link of your preferred retailer to reserve your copy.

✨US/CAN now available! ✨
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Amazon Canada | Bookshop.org
Booktopia | Dymocks | QBD | The Nile | Amazon | Big W
Mighty Ape | Paper Plus | Whitcoulls
Stay tuned! See FAQ below for more information.
What is pre-ordering? It means that a copy of my cookbook will be reserved for you just in case it sells out (imagine that! 😱). Plus you will enjoy the convenience of having it delivered directly to you when it becomes available on 11 October 2022!
About “Dinner” cookbook
“The food you want to cook, eat and share, night after night”, aptly named “Dinner” (no exclamation mark, much to my dismay), this cookbook contains over 130 recipes plus 44 sides, sauces and other extras. Pretty hefty – bigger than typical cookbooks!

With a focus on quick and easy food for weeknights and a sprinkle of special treats for festive occasions, the recipes use easy-to-find ingredients and include what my publisher calls “Nagi’s famously helpful notes”. 😂
And – a big SURPRISE……

SURPRISE! Every recipe has a how-to video!
Yup, you read that right. Every single recipe comes with a how-to video, just like the recipes here on my website!
All you have to do is use your phone or iPad/tablet to scan the QR code and it will take you straight to the recipe video which will live in a special corner of this website!

The decision to do a video for every recipe was a huge workload commitment. You’re insane!!! I heard, multiple times from people much wiser than me. 😂
But for me? The thought of doing a cookbook without accompanying recipe videos was never even a consideration. For the last 5 years, every recipe I’ve shared on this website has had a recipe video – with the exception of super simple sides. You tell me how helpful you find them. So a minor little thing like the fact that a cookbook is printed rather than online wasn’t going to stop me from having recipe videos to accompany each recipe – he!
Peek inside!

“……in her first cookbook, Nagi brings us the ultimate curation of new and favourite RecipeTin Eats recipes – from comfort food (yes, cheese galore), to fast and easy food for weeknights, Mexican favourites, hearty salads, Asian noodles, and treats for festive occasions.”

“Featuring a photo and how-to video for every recipe, readily available ingredients, Nagi’s famously helpful notes, and Dozer, Australia’s best-loved food tester, this is a kitchen-shelf must-have….”

Recipe index
Click the images below to view full size and browse the full recipe index. There’s 130 recipes plus 44 extras – sides, sauces, salad dressings, rice, breads!

FAQ – “Dinner” cookbook!
How many recipes? Over 150! 130 mains plus 44 essential extras – sides, sauces, breads. It’s a pretty big cookbook!
What type of recipes are they?
Everyday recipes – The vast majority (say, 85%) are what I’d call “everyday recipes” that are straight forward and made with easily accessible ingredients
Cuisine – 20% of the recipes are Asian / Asian influenced, a whole chapter on Mexican (I adore Mexican food!), a sprinkle of French and Mediterranean, dusting of Middle Eastern and the balance are Western dishes.
Gluten free – approximately 1/3 of the recipes, including those made gluten-free with very simple, common GF substitutes.
Meat-free recipes – approximately 25%. (Are you shocked?? 😂 I was. It wasn’t intentional!)
Calorie conscious – I am not a “healthy” recipe creator nor do I sacrifice the quality of the end result simply for the sake of reducing calories. However, most of my recipes are well balanced sensible meals. I was not raised cooking with vast amounts of cream or butter!
Cheese-free – I decline to answer.
Special occasions – A sprinkle of dishes for festive occasions and leisurely Sunday suppers!

Are they all new recipes?? Most are brand new recipes created especially for the cookbook! By popular demand, I’ve also included some reader favourites.
Photos! Does every recipe have one? YES! Well, all the mains do. I couldn’t fit in a photo for all the extras!

Did you do all the photos yourself? All but 2 of the recipe photos were photographed by me. A professional photographer (Rob Palmer, whom I have admired for years!) and food stylist (Emma Knowles, Australia’s famous food whisperer) did the big double page photos for chapter openers (like the “Pasta and Cosy” chapter above) and photos that I am in. Plus the cover!
The other photos were done by me, in my home, in a makeshift studio shown below. The garbage bags to block the light are stylish, aren’t they??? I might even remove them one day and upgrade to blinds!

What about the videos?? You filmed them all yourself? YES! One of the (additional) downsides of having such chubby little hands is that it is IMPOSSIBLE to find a hand double. 😩 I have been cooking so much over the past couple of months to get the recipe videos done! As you get deeper into the cookbook, you’ll see the condition of my hands deteriorating …. .dried out red skin, cracking, cuts, burns… 😂 We tried to edit them out of the videos!!!

When will your cookbook be available overseas?? **UPDATE: Now available for pre-order in the US and Canada!!** Stay tuned for further announcements. I’m so, so sorry to everyone in other countries, my publisher (Pan Macmillan) and I worked incredibly hard to make it available at the same time but couldn’t get there. There are unprecedented challenges facing the book publishing world globally at the moment which has been a major factor in this. I’m so sorry! 😩 I was devastated when I had to accept this.
Signings! Book tour!! Book signing events are being organised in Australia! I will announce them when dates and locations are locked in. We are also planning to get Dozer to some of these events!
We want Dozer! We want Dozer! What – you missed that he is ON THE COVER??!! Yep, he’s a cover boy! And littered throughout the book, sometimes in the most unexpected places. 😂 So much so that there have been whisperings that I went through all this effort to create a cookbook just so I had a excuse to get Dozer photos in print……. I plead the 5th! 😈

How much did you cook for this cookbook? Over 1,600 recipes. SO MUCH COOKING!
Initial experimentation phase (>300!)
Refining the chosen recipes
Testing and re-testing by me, my Chef (JB – you’re obsessed with his Chicken Fricassée) and my team
Independent testing of every single recipe by recipe testers
Making the recipes for photos
Making the recipes for the recipe videos

A very big thank you – to you!
I don’t think I’ve told you this – I made this cookbook for you.
It certainly wasn’t for my family. Being such capable cooks themselves, they will never use a single recipe from it! 😂
You are the reason I love what I do, the reason that RecipeTin Eats is not just a soulless, silent website but a vibrant community. And you are the reason I wanted to create a cookbook, a physical thing we can touch and scrawl over (do it!), that can sit on your kitchen shelf. I secretly love the idea of being in your kitchen with you! 😉
Thank you for your enthusiasm when I announced I was planning to do a cookbook, for your messages of support, for the laughter, sometimes your cheekiness (😂), and your patience during the months of silence as I worked on this cookbook. You made me strive to do the very best I could!
I’ve truly given this cookbook everything I have, supported by a wonderful, talented team (you’ll meet them in the cookbook!). I’m so proud of the end result. I genuinely love every single recipe and I hope you love them too!
Thank you again. I feel so very fortunate to be surrounded by such great people. – Nagi x
Pre-order now available
There are not enough exclamation marks in this world to capture my excitement!!

✨US/CAN now available!!!✨
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Amazon Canada | Bookshop.org
Booktopia | Dymocks | QBD | The Nile | Amazon | Big W
Mighty Ape | Paper Plus | Whitcoulls
Stay tuned! See FAQ above for more information.
What is pre-ordering? It means that a copy of my cookbook will be reserved for you just in case it sells out (imagine that! 😱). Plus you will enjoy the convenience of having it delivered directly to you when it becomes available on 11 October 2022!

Life of Dozer
Of course I wanted Dozer to be in the lead photo for this exciting announcement post! But after many (many!) attempts, I had to concede defeat….

Some more attempts –

Dear Dozer
Dear Dozer,
You were there with me every step of the way through this cookbook, from the moment I made the decision to make it. By my side when I was shooting late into the night, offering to scrub – I mean lick – the piles of dirty dishes on weekends, keeping my toes warm when I was bashing away on the keyboard in the middle of the night, squeezing yourself under tripods holding very expensive cameras.
Taste testing every single dish, nibbling dirty tea towels (you’re such a grot), falling asleep in front of the oven when we were slow-roasting.
You never stopped believing you could make a hunk of meat fall off the bench through sheer will power, and shamelessly used your looks to get extra treats throughout this whole project.
I love you so very, very much. – Nagi x