My favourite sauces for oysters

Oysters are great with just a squeeze of fresh lemon. But when you want to make them a little fancier, here are 3 of my favourite oyster recipes: a classic mignonette sauce, Tetsuya’s famous oysters with Japanese Dressing, and a Cucumber Lime Granita. All easy!

Sauces for oysters

As promised when I published our Seafood Platter, the oyster sauces have arrived!!

Oyster camp – in or out?

I feel like oysters are one of those foods that are a bit divisive. You either love them or hate them. Those who hate them think they’re slimy and expensive, and that people only eat them because it makes them feel fancy.

Those who love them adore the briny flavour, the taste of the sea and how life just feels good when you’re slurping oysters with a glass of chilled bubbly!

So, for your next dinner party, forget fussing around with fiddly elaborate hors d’oeuvres that fills everybody up before the mains. Buy some oysters, make a quick sauce, then pass them around for everyone to help themselves.

Today, I’m sharing my 3 favourite oyster sauces – a classic mignonette, Tetsuya’s Japanese Oyster Dressing and a Cucumber Lime Jalapeño Granita.

1. Classic mignonette for oysters

Mignonette sauce for oysters

Just as we love a squeeze of tangy lemon on our oysters, this piquant vinegar sauce is the perfect match with creamy oysters. A fine dining classic, you only need red wine vinegar and eschalots (US: shallots). Serve in a bowl and let people help themselves.

2. Tetsuya’s oysters with Japanese Dressing

Tetsuya oysters with Japanese dressing

Based on the oysters served at Tetsuya’s, one of Sydney’s most prestigious Japanese restaurants, this features a ginger-soy vinaigrette, then is topped with salmon roe (optional) and finished with chives. Simple, très trendy modern Asian style oysters!

3. Cucumber jalapeno granita *my pick*

Cucumber lime granita for oysters

A personal favourite, created especially to match oysters, super easy. The snowy ice with tang from lime, cucumber freshness and a subtle kick of spice from jalapeño is sheer perfection with oysters. Also screams of summer! *Make today, serve tomorrow, next week or next month!*

Sauces for oysters

And there you have it! All 3 recipes are extremely straightforward and the sauce can be made ahead.

Next time you see oysters on my website, I think it’ll have to be a cooked one! Any requests? Kilpatrick? Mornay? Rockefeller? Po’ boys? So many options! – Nagi x

The seafood platter!

These oyster sauces are here because I promised the recipes when I shared my shopping list for what I put on our Seafood Platter (and what we don’t). Oysters are a mandatory player in all seafood related meals we enjoy for celebratory occasions!

RecipeTin Seafood platter

Life of Dozer

I am not convinced dogs can eat oysters and even if they could, he is not getting one! But he thinks he did. 😂

Dozer eating oyster shell

Watch how to make it

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Hi, I'm Amelia

I believe you can make great food with everyday ingredients even if you’re short on time and cost conscious. You just need to cook clever and get creative!

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